Poster Session Titles

Title Title of work
Ahmed Abouelkomsan

Compressible quantum matter with vanishing Drude weight

Alberto Bordin

Majorana states in three-site Kitaev chains

Linh Dang

Topological-insulator spin transistor

Yanliang Hou

Quantum transport in Dirac semimetal-based Josephson junctions

Valerii Kozin

Cavity-enhanced superconductivity via band engineering

Andrei Mazanik

Hysteresis and chaos in anomalous Josephson junctions without capacitance

Yugo Onishi

Universal bounds in topological phases

Carlos Payá

Phenomenology of Majorana zero modes in full-shell hybrid nanowires

Bart Roovers

Quasiparticle Poisoning Dynamics in Hybrid InSb-Al Nanowire Devices

Pablo San-Jose

Quantica.jl: simulating tight-binding models in the Julia language

Alexey Taskin

Superconducting correlations in the one-dimensional edge state of quantum anomalous Hall insulator

Even Thingstad

Topological Interlayer Superconductivity in a van der Waals Heterostructure

Nick van Loo

Single-shot readout of Majorana parity in a minimal Kitaev chain

Georg W. Winkler

Protocol to identify a topological superconducting phase in a three-terminal device